College Performance Package 4. Strength Training
Strength training is a vital component of any soccer training program - regardless of a player's position on the field. This package includes soccer specific workouts that will develop your strength training and will provide an insight into the tips and tricks that collegiate athletes use to build their physical strength.
Strength Training 1. Total Body Workout (Emphasis on Upper Body)
Minimal equipment is needed for this total body workout.
Try to breath in through the nose throughout the whole workout.
Make sure you perform an adequate warm up before doing this workout (warm up exercises can be found in the Preparation Performance Package). -
Strength Training 2. Total Body Strength Power Workout
Squat Jumps: 5 reps
Squat Thrust: 5 reps (each side)
Split Squat with curl: 5 reps (each side)
Push Press: 5 reps (each side)
Single Leg Deadlift: 5 reps (each side)
1 arm row: 5 reps (each side)
Half Kneeling Dumbell Reach: 5 reps (each side)Complete this circuit 3-5 times.
Strength Training 3. Bodyweight Workout
Squat jumps, push ups, single leg lunges... these are some great bodyweight exercises that can be used effectively to build strength. Often, people skip bodyweight exercises and head straight to the weight rack - you can get a great workout without any weights!
If these exercises are performed co... -
Strength Training 4. Total Body Strength
Warm up, workout, and cool down. This hour long video contains an entire workout. Don't skip out on the warm up or cool down - they are just as vital to the workout as all of the strenuous exercises.
Strength Training 5. Density Workout
6 exercises for a great workout. Density workouts are all about setting a time and trying to finish as many sets of exercises as you can during that time.
This is a great way to measure your progress. Aim to complete at least one more set of exercises the next time you complete this exercise.
Thi... -
Strength Training 6. High Plank With Cross Body Marching
This is a great exercise for engaging your core. Add this exercise into a workout by doing 3 sets of 45 seconds of this exercise.
Strength Training 7. Split Stance 1 Arm Alternating Row
Do not worry if you do not have a kettle bell. Using a dumbbell is okay for this exercise.
Strength Training 8. Hand Release Push Up
Strength Training 9. Heels Elevated Goblet Squat
Strength Training 10. Split Squat 2 Hand DB Curl
Strength Training 11. Push Up Challenege
Push ups are a great body weight exercise. This 2 minute challenge is a good way to measure your strength training progress.